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Attune Wellness 
Attune: to bring into a harmonious or responsive relationship.

Jeannine Logue, Owner

Yoga Therapist, Auricular Therapist

Advanced Biofield Tuning Practitioner

Jeannine believes we can lighten the suffering in this world, beginning with ourselves. She is a catalyst for radical self-love and is passionate about helping individuals remember their innate wholeness beyond their diagnosis', traumas, addictions, or any life struggles they may be navigating.


She created Attune Wellness to assist others in finding more harmony and connection with themselves, their lives and community. As a Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner & Yoga Therapist she offers a safe space and thoughtful, individualized care with over 1,200 hours of study and a 1,000 hours of experience in guiding clients to a  more joyful version of themselves.  


Specialties Include:

Pain Care Specialist


Nervous System Regulation


PTSD, Trauma Therapy

I slept and dreamt life was joy. I woke and saw life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
– Rabindrnath Tagore

        Other services include small groups, corporate or institutional bookings, workshops, and trainings.

Some benefits you may experience in working with Jeannine…​

Reduction in triggers

More resilience

Healthier stress response

Reduction in pain

Faster Recovery

Greater sense of calm

Nervous System regulation

Body & breath awareness

Feeling more JOY

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